Published and forthcoming papers
‘The Do-able Solution to the Interface Problem’. Forthcoming in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
‘Who is a Reasoner?’ Forthcoming in Inquiry.
‘Attention and Voluntariness in the Wandering Mind’. Forthcoming in The Journal of Philosophy.
The Priority of Intentional Action: From Developmental to Conceptual Priority. Forthcoming in The Philosophical Quarterly
Neo-Ryleanism about Self-Understanding. Inquiry (2024)
The Most General Mental Act, in Brent & Miracchi (eds.) Mental Action and the Conscious Mind (Routledge, 2023)
Disjunctivism about Intending. American Philosophical Quarterly (2021)
- Events, Processes, and the Time of a Killing. Ratio (2020)
Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Meet Evolutionary Science (co-authored with Arnon Levy). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2020)
Constructivism and the Problem of Normative Indeterminacy. The Journal of Value Inquiry (2019)
What is “Mental Action”? Philosophical Psychology (2019)
Is Attending a Mental Process? Mind & Language (2019)
Why Cognitivism? Canadian Journal of Philosophy (2018)
Does the Normative Question about Rationality Rest on a Mistake? Synthese (2017)
The Debunking Challenge to Realism: How Evolution (Ultimately) Matters (Co-authored with Arnon Levy). Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2016)
Action Unified. The Philosophical Quarterly (2016)
Normativity and Self-Relations. Philosophical Studies (2015)
Money Pumps, Diachronic and Synchronic. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2014)
Intentional Action First. Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2013)
Book reviews ​
Review of Brennan, Eriksson, Goodin & Southwood, “Explaining Norms” (OUP, 2013), Mind (2015)
In progress (Email me if you’d like to see a copy)​
'Taking Action First'. Book manuscript. Under contract with Oxford University Press.
‘Between Inner and Outer Speech: Continuity and its Limits’. Under review
'Trying to Act'
'The Form of Intention'
'Collective Action and the Two-way Power of Agency'